Nina Skangale - Zacheste
1994 – Technical University of Riga, faculty of architecture,
degree in architecture.
1999 – Theological College of Radom in Poland, gaining the right to teach Christian education at the basic level as a religion teacher
pre-school and primary school.
2009 – Pontifical Lateran University branch of the Riga Higher Institute of Religious Sciences with a Bachelor degree as ethics, philosophy and Christian doctrine teacher.
2011 – Sciences Humanities Academic Master’s degree in Theology and Religious Science in Latvian Christian Academy as artist – icon painter and Master of Theology at the same time.
Working as icon painter, teaching iconography for adults and is a teacher of religion for children.

Not-Made-by-Hands Icon of Our Lord Jesus Christ with angels
The icon of Mother of God of Aglona
The icon of Mother of God of Guadalupe
The icon of Mother of God Tsilkanskaya
Icon of The Christ Pantocrator of Sinai

The Holy Trinity

The icon of Mother of God Kazanskaya

Fire-Appearing icon of Mother of God

The Descent into Hell/Great and Holy Pascha/Resurrection
Size: 40×50 cm

The Descent into Hell/Great and Holy Pascha/Resurrection
Size: 40×50 cm

Holy Great-Martyr Georgy the Victory Bearer
Size: 20x30 cm

Blessed Honorat Kozminski
Size: 60x80 cm